Monday, August 8, 2011

The Utmost

Best Public Transportation: Madrid, Spain

Worst public transportation: Berlin, Germany

Best architecture: Paris, France

Best cathedral: Sevilla, Spain

Best Men: Dublin, Ireland

Worst Men: Everywhere, Morocco

Best gardens: Granada, Spain

Best festival: Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany

Best food: Rome/Milan, Italy & San Sebastian, Spain

Best shopping: Istanbul, Turkey

Friendliest locals: Santorini, Greece

Most interesting history: Prague, Czech Republic

Best pleasant surprise: Krakow, Poland

Best beaches: Valencia, Spain

Best nightlife: Barcelona and Madrid, Spain

Best old stuff: Pompeii, Italy

Favorite city overall (besides Madrid): Paris, France

Most expensive: Venice, Italy

Least expensive, Istanbul, Turkey

Best hostel: The Flying Pig, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Best Airport: Berlin airport

Best art museum: Museu d’Orsay, Paris, France

Coolest bar: The Dow Jones, Barcelona, Spain

Best painting: Guernica by Picasso in Madrid, Spain

Best sculpture: The David by Michaelangelo, Florence, Italy

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