Thursday, September 2, 2010

(3) A few more of my favorite things...

What is the opposite of napping? I guess the closest action would be partying. Either way, Spaniards, particularly Madrileños, are really good at both. This brings be to favorite thing #3 about Spain.

"The fiesta was really started. It kept up day and night for seven days. The dancing kept up, the drinking kept up, the noise went on. "
-Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises

This probably was taken on a Tuesday

Favorite thing #3: La vida de la noche 
(La Vee-da day la no-chay) Night-life  

To explain why 'la vida de la noche' is so great, I will first give you a rundown of a typical Thursday night 20-year-old American schedule (sans fake ID):

9:00 pm- Prepare to go out 
10:00 pm- arrive at a very shady bar because, duh,
you can't get in anywhere else
10:10 pm- Finish begging the bouncer to let you 
in and abort mission
10:30- Head home, pound some Rubinoff and 
dining-hall cranberry juice 
11:00 pm- Arrive at the party of the roommate of 
the girl that sits next to you in cultural anthro
12:00 pm- Police arrive, sub-21's flee to insert name
of your university's quintessential pizza spot
1:00 am- Arrive home. Your night is over.

Now, let's review a typical Thursday night 20-year-old Spaniard (or American ex-patriate!) schedule (sans fake ID):  
10:00 pm- Prepare to head to your local botellón (you know what this is!)
11:00 pm- Arrive at Botellón. Share stories, alcohol, etc. with a thousand others.
12:30 am- Arrive at first bar and obviously get in. {Let's call the non-existent drinking age in Spain favorite thing 3.5 because I did not want to be a silly American girl and give it its own post} 
2:30 am- Arrive at crazy club filled with good-looking foreign men
5:00 am- Arrive at after hours club to hang out with... good-looking foreign men
7:00 am- Arrive home. Wasn't that AWESOME?

Ask anyone that has ever been to Spain and they will tell you... 
Hopefully the bottom schedule is accurate foreshadowing. Stay tuned for epic tales. 

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